Partner with Us
What powerful stories of real people receiving help from God on the Steve & Kathy show!
You can be a part of this life-giving hope.
Partner with Steve and Kathy and reach people throughout the United States, Israel and the Middle East with the message that Help is On the Way!
Everyone deserves to experience the living God. Steve and Kathy believe the day is coming when Jew and non-Jew, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu will all begin to experience the glory of God through Jesus the Messiah.
Become A Monthly Bridge Builder
Steve Gray Ministries is dedicated to restoring the glory of God to the Church and to the Jewish people through media, film, discipleship, intercession and life-changing resources.Your monthly donation as a Bridge Builder not only helps us bring the message of revival to the church, but also links YOU to the heart and soul of Israel and r everywhere. What a bridge we are building – connecting Jews and Gentiles to God and to each other and helping form the One New Man.
Just think of it – your active financial and prayer support connects you with everything that belongs to the people of Israel. Theirs is the “family, glory, covenants, worship, promises, to say nothing of being the race that produced the Messiah…Oh yes!” (Romans 9:5 MSG) You can experience all the divine support, promises, provision and protection that God gives to Israel.
Your extraordinary commitment helps form a consistent financial base that we can count on for building relationships with Jewish people.
There is no time to waste. Jews around the world are facing increased anti-Semitism and terrorist attacks; and on Israel’s northern and southern borders Islamist militias threaten while the world tries to work a nuclear “deal” with Iran. Together, we must declare to Jews everywhere that their time has come and help is on the way.
We ask you, as a vital supporter of our mission, to become a Bridge Builder today.
Doing so is the easiest and most effective way to give and ensure SGM receives your ongoing support. Your recurring monthly donation means, together, we will build bridges to the Jews and give them something to believe in through the following::
- Intercession: We need spirited intercessors that know how to pray for the power and protection of God. That’s why we have a live camera feed that takes us directly to Israel to the Western Wall. This incorporates the anointing experienced by the people praying there. SGM pays by the minute to use that camera and donates that time to World Revival Church. Your contribution helps make this possible.
- Resources: SGM produces books, music, study guides, etc. to help you be an effective minister of the freedom and favor God is extending to everyone worldwide.
- Travel: Your support will help us travel to Israel to strengthen our connections with Jewish people, including congregations, pastors, rabbis and film industry people. Your donation can help support travel costs to and from Israel.
- TV: Hosted by Steve and Kathy Gray, the Steve & Kathy show is an uplifting mix of inspirational stories, celebrity interviews, contemporary worship music and stirring messages from God’s word with a fresh look at Israel and God’s plan for the Jews. Steve and Kathy have helped thousands experience the reviving power of God – and you can too. Get ready to embrace life like never before because help is on the way!.
- Film: Princes of Peace is a new screenplay with the theme of bringing both Jews and Gentiles together as One New Man. The theme is clear. When these come together they become unstoppable and will be able to stand against the evil in our day and usher in the end of the age. Your support helps to put this screenplay into the right hands to get this message out to the world and to bring hope to Jews everywhere.
For your monthly contribution, you will receive these materials to equip you as an effective Bridge Builder:
- Private vlog updates keeping you connected with everything that’s happening with SGM.
- Exclusive discipleship teachings on what God is saying about the future of Israel.
- Updates and exclusive news from Pastor Steve Gray.
- Special discounts at conferences/events.
- Private meals and gatherings at conferences with Pastor Steve Gray to keep you up to date.
The winds of revival are beginning to blow over Zion, so don’t wait! Become a Bridge Builder today. Together, we will bring a fresh message of liberation and restoration to Israel and the world.
Your recurring online donation is secure and flexible. You choose the amount you wish to give each month and you can change, or cancel, your pledge at any time. Sign up now and make your first donation by credit card online.
If you aren’t able to commit to becoming a Bridge Builder by making a monthly donation, we also welcome and encourage any one-time donations. Every little bit helps!